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Charles II


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Charles II
has biography | a une biographie
King of Scotland (1649-1651) and King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1660-1685). Charles granted a royal charter to the slave-trading Company of Royal Adventurers of England Trading into Africa and made investments in the company. He was later founder and patron of the Royal African Company alongside his brother the Duke of York.
was born | est né
29 May 1630
died in | est mort par
6 February 1685
has nationality | a la nationalité
has type | est de type
has association with | a une association avec
James II
is current or former member of
Royal African Company

Linked resources

Items with "main figure depicted | personnage principal représenté: Charles II"
Equestrian statue of Charles II, Windsor
Statue of Charles II, Chelsea
Statue of Charles II, Gloucester
Statue of Charles II, Soho
Items with "has association with | a une association avec: Charles II"
James II
Items with "has current or former member | a pour membre actuel ou ancien: Charles II"
Royal African Company