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Bonaparte, Napoléon


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries
has biography | a une biographie
Born in Corsica into a noble family, Napoleon was trained from 1779 to 1785 at the military schools of Brienne-le-Château and Paris. On graduating, he joined an artillery regiment. He took part in the Revolutionary Wars, achieving the rank of general, and led the Italian and Egyptian campaigns from 1896 onwards. On the strength of the popularity he had acquired during his military campaigns, he organized a coup d'état on 18 Brumaire (November 9, 1799), taking command of the armies and initiating the drafting of a new constitution that allowed him to concentrate power. For political expediency and in response to demands from influential colonists in his entourage, Napoleon re-established slavery in the French colonies with the law of May 20, 1802. In 1804, he was crowned Emperor of the French.
was born | est né
15 August 1769
died in | est mort par
5 May 1821
has nationality | a la nationalité
has type | est de type
has association with | a une association avec
de Beauharnais, Joséphine
Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel
is referred to by | est référencé par
Fondation pour la mémoire de l'esclavage website
Pierre Branda et Thierry Lentz, Napoléon, l'esclavage et les colonies, Paris, Fayard, 2006
André Castelot, Bonaparte, Paris, Perrin, 2019
Pascale Fautrier, Napoléon Bonaparte, Paris, Gallimard, 2021

Linked resources

Items with "main figure depicted | personnage principal représenté: Bonaparte, Napoléon"
Equestrian statue of Napoléon Bonaparte, La Roche-sur-Yon
Equestrian statue of Napoléon Bonaparte, Rouen
Statue of Napoléon, Adlington
Items with "has association with | a une association avec: Bonaparte, Napoléon"
de Beauharnais, Joséphine
Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel
Items with "was commissioned by | a été commandé par: Bonaparte, Napoléon"
Statue of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Paris
Items with "has parent | a pour parent: Bonaparte, Napoléon"
de Beauharnais, Joséphine