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Faidherbe, Louis Léon César


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Louis Léon César Faidherbe
has biography | a une biographie
Louis Faidherbe was a military officer appointed governor of Senegal from 1854 to 1861 and from 1863 to 1865, thanks to his close ties with the Bordeaux trading houses, whose activities he supported to the detriment of those of the Métis families settled in Saint-Louis. His actions were threefold: he pursued a violent military policy aimed at establishing the French as the dominant power in the Senegal River valley; he took administrative action to organize the colonial state in Senegal; and he played an active part in the production of colonial ethnographic knowledge of Africa based on the notion of "race". After his return from Senegal, he was appointed general commanding the Bône subdivision in Algeria in 1867. Present in France on convalescent leave in 1870, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armée du Nord on December 3, 1870, and won the battles of Pont-Noyelles (December 23-24, 1870) and Bapaume (January 3, 1871). From 1871, he embarked on a political career in the Republican ranks.
was born | est né
3 June 1818
died in | est mort par
28 September 1889
has nationality | a la nationalité
has type | est de type
was influenced by | a été influencé par
Bugeaud, Thomas Robert, marquis de la Piconnerie
is referred to by | est référencé par
travaux des contemporains
George Hardy, Faidherbe, collection Les Grands Coloniaux, Paris, Encyclopédie de l'Empire français, 1947.
Adolphe Robert et Gaston Cougny (dir.), Dictionnaire des parlementaires français, Paris, Bourloton Editeur, 1889.
Travaux scientifiques
Roger Botte, « L'esclavage africain après l'abolition de 1848. Servitude et droit du sol », Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 55ᵉ année, N. 5, 2000. pp. 1009-1037.
Leland C. Barrows, « Faidherbe and Senegal: A Critical Discussion », African Studies Review, vol. 19, no. 1, 1976, pp. 95–117.
Leland C. Barrows, « The Merchants and General Faidherbe. Aspects of French Expansion in Sénégal in the 1850's », Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 61, n°223, 2e trimestre 1974. pp. 236-283

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Items with "main figure depicted | personnage principal représenté: Faidherbe, Louis Léon César"
Monument to général Faidherbe, Lille