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Monument to Abdelkader, Amboise
- has description | a une description
- The monument belongs to Michel Audiard's “Passages” series of portraits cut from sheets of Corten steel. The portrait of Abd el Kader is based on one taken in 1851 by Gustave le Gray, depicting him in the frame of a stone doorway, his cloak in motion behind him, gazing to his right.
- was commissioned by | a été commandé par
- Amboise Township
- funded by | financé par
- Public funding (state)
- has current owner | est actuellement possédée par
- Public (City/Town)
- has current location | a pour localisation actuelle
- Amboise, France.
- was discussed by | a été contesté par
- 2022, Attack on Abdelkader monument
- depicts | figure
ibn Muhieddine, Abdelkader
- shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
- man
- consists of | consiste en
- metal
- was produced by | a été produit par
- Audiard, Michel
- has production plan | a un plan de production
- The mayor of Amboise calls on artist Michel Audiard, who has already created a Passage Léonard de Vinci in Amboise.