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West India Dock Company


has description | a une description
The West India Dock Company was responsible for the creation of the West India Docks, which first opened in 1802. Founded by the merchant and slave-owner Robert Milligan (1746-1809), the Docks were built to facilitate the flow of commodities and people between Britain and the Caribbean.
has type | est de type
established | établi
had duration | avait une durée
38 years
has former or current location | a pour localisation ancienne ou actuelle
has current or former member | a pour membre actuel ou ancien
Milligan, Robert
Hibbert, George
is referred to by | est référencé par
Legacies of British Slavery

Linked resources

Items with "carried out by | réalisée par: West India Dock Company"
1809, Commissioning of the Robert Milligan statue by the West India Dock Company
Items with "was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de: West India Dock Company"
Statue of Robert Milligan
Items with "is current or former member of: West India Dock Company"
Hibbert, George
Milligan, Robert