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South Sea Company


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
South Sea Company emblem
has description | a une description
British joint-stock company in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. First founded in 1711, the company received the Asiento de Negros (a monopoly contract from the Spanish Crown) in 1713 to supply enslaved Africans to Spain's colonies in the Americas. Estimates of the number of enslaved people transported by the South Sea Company run to over 34,000, with an estimated 4,000 dying during the course of the Middle Passage. In 1720, the Company's finances dramatically collapsed in what came to be known as the South Sea Bubble.
has type | est de type
established | établi
had duration | avait une durée
142 years
has former or current location | a pour localisation ancienne ou actuelle
has current or former member | a pour membre actuel ou ancien
George I
George II
is referred to by | est référencé par
Wikipedia - South Sea Company
Wikipedia - Asiento de Negros
Harvard Library - The South Sea Company and the Slave Trade
David Eltis, Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson and Herbert S. Klein, eds, The Trans-Atlantic slave trade - a database on CD-Rom, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)

Linked resources

Items with "has association with | a une association avec: South Sea Company"
Guy, Thomas
Sloane, Hans
Items with "is current or former member of: South Sea Company"
George I
George II