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1956, Clive statue of Shrewsbury is recorded as a Grade II listed building


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The Ministry of Housing and Local Government revises the Provisional List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic interest for consideration in connection with the provisions of the Section 30 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947. This document, available from the Historic Environment Record for Shropshire, says the following:

'In view of the great architectural and historical importance of Shrewsbury, and its almost unique place among the mediaeval towns of England, the Ministry has decided to issue a completely revised list for the district. In this revision, use has been made of the information contained in the thesis prepared by Mr. J. T. Smith of the staff of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments and the opportunity has been taken to survey the outlying districts of the Borough, which were not included in the earlier list.
All the buildings already included in the Ministry's list have been reinspected and where necessary the descriptions have been revised. The street numberings and map markings have also been attended to.

It must be emphasised in conclusion that a list for a mediaeval town like Shrewsbury can never be certainly regarded as complete, because unsuspected features of interest are always liable to come to light. The Ministry would welcome information about interesting architectural discoveries in the town wherever they occur, particularly so when they happen to be in buildings which have not so far been included in any list.'

In this document, the statue of Robert Clive is recorded as follows:
Sheet and No. on Map: 1/364A
Grade: II
Item: Statue of Lord Clive on pedestal
Notes: Baron Marochetti, sculptor. Life size bronze statue of Clive in eighteenth century dress on stone pedestal.

With many thanks to [Ms] Penelope Ward [former HER Officer Shropshire] for sharing her knowledge and research expertise.

has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Ministry of Housing and Local Government
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps

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Items with "was discussed by | a été contesté par: 1956, Clive statue of Shrewsbury is recorded as a Grade II listed building"
Statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury