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Harland & Wolff
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has description | a une description
Major shipping company in the United Kingdom, formed in the mid-nineteenth century and still in existence today.
Harland & Wolff was actively involved in supporting Britain's maritime empire with its ship-building yards across the UK. Harland & Wolff built ships for a number of companies involved in empire, such as the African Steamship Company, the Asiatic Steam Navigation Company, and the West India & Pacific Steam Navigation Company,
During the American Civil War (1861-1865), Harland & Wolff allegedly received orders for steamers from the Confederate States of America, which was fighting to preserve the institution of slavery in the United States, although whether these orders were actually carried out has not yet been proven. - has type | est de type
- Business
- established | établi
- 11 April 1861
- has current or former member | a pour membre actuel ou ancien
Harland, Edward James
Pirrie, William James
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Wikipedia
- Harland & Wolff
- Historical list of Harland & Wolff ships, 1859-1931
- Harland & Wolff on the Thames