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Moore, John
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has biography | a une biographie
- British politician and slave-trader in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Moore was Member of Court of Assistants for the Royal African Company (1687–9 and 1700–1702), Member of Parliament for the City of London (1685-1687), and Lord Mayor of London (1681–82). Moore was also a shareholder in the East India Company.
- was born | est né
- 11 June 1620
- died in | est mort par
- 2 June 1702
- has nationality | a la nationalité
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- has type | est de type
- depicted
- has association with | a une association avec
British East India Company
- is current or former member of
Royal African Company