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2020, Online petition against the removal of the Redvers Buller statue
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The petition, which had 9,317 signatories (as of April 2nd 2024), laid out the following argument against the statue's removal:
"Exeter City Council has called for a review to remove this much loved statue to a man who was much loved in Devon in his time. General Buller VC was a war hero who won the Victoria Cross during the Zulu War, where he carried three men to safety during the defeat at Hlobane.
The statue was paid for by public subscription, by the ordinary people of Devon.
The petition to remove this statue states that Buller had a "major hand" in the establishment of Boer concentration camps, but this is simply not true. Though he was the British commander at the outbreak of the Boer War, he was replaced in January 1900 by Lord Roberts. And it wasn't until Kitchener then took command in late 1900 that the concentration camp policy was established.
We cannot stand by and let historically illiterate people erase our history.
And then there is the bigger picture. We are currently seeing our nation's heritage being chipped away on the crest of a small but noisy wave of protest. We should not make the mistake of judging history through the lens of our own morality, for nobody would pass that test. The silent majority of this country want our public monuments to remain. They belong to us all and represent our heritage." - has type | est de type
- defence
- carried out by | réalisée par
- Save Our Statues
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 30 June 2020
- is referred to by | est référencé par