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2020, Stroud District Council press release - 'We’re listening to BAME residents to tackle racism'
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The text of the press release ran as follows:
Stroud District Council has committed to work even harder to tackle racism and listen closely to BAME residents, to build an inclusive and cohesive district where everyone feels safe.
Council Leader Doina Cornell told members of the Strategy and Resources Committee that everyone must stand together to tackle racism, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement.
All four political group leaders issued a statement on Monday 8th June, condemning racism and reaffirming the council’s commitment to promoting equality and tackling discrimination. At the committee meeting on Thursday 18th June, councillors listened to residents’ concerns on racism and answered their questions.
She has worked on with Green group leader Martin Whiteside and others including Liberal Democrat leader Ken Tucker, to develop some specific actions which the council is acting on:
Do all we can as a council to ensure we are an inclusive and anti-racist organisation with zero tolerance for racism and discrimination. We commit to reviewing existing anti-racist and anti-discrimination policies and practices, including training for members and staff and take action to strengthen these as required.
Work with everyone in our community, and especially our local BAME residents to amplify BAME voices in our district and to hear from them where best to focus efforts.
Consult with the community on any street and building names, statues and architectural features that may be considered offensive and if actions need to be taken. And we must consult on how best to educate ourselves about our history, the local legacy of slavery, and the local historical contribution of BAME people to our district.
During this current administration, councillors have continued to receive equality and diversity training, and mandatory racism awareness training for all councillors will be undertaken shortly. SDC staff will also undergo the same training, building on existing mandatory equality and diversity training.
Watch the meeting, including the whole Leader’s speech and public questions at - carried out by | réalisée par
Stroud District Council
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 23 June 2020
- was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
- 2020, UK politicians respond to the toppling of the Edward Colston statue
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Stroud District Council, 'We’re listening to BAME residents to tackle racism', 23 June 2020