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2022, Britain First responds to Stroud District Council Blackboy Clock recommendations


has description | a une description
Britain First, a far-right and neofascist hate group, put out the following statement:

"The ultra-woke Labour-led local council in Stroud, Gloucestershire, has voted to remove a 250 year old historic clock in the town, because it depicts a harmless image of a little black boy.

The Labour council said that the clock was "traumatic for people of colour", whereas everyone else in the town has reacted angrily and blasted the council for trying to erase history.

The clock, created in 1774, is one of Britain's twenty surviving jack clocks, which feature a moving figure striking a bell on the hour.

We are urging our supporters to use this campaign to send a complaint immediately to Labour-led Stroud Council, demanding that they reverse their woke decision and leave our history alone."
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Britain First
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
4 May 2022
was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
2022, Stroud District Council announces Blackboy Clock recommendations

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Items with "was modified by | a été modifié par: 2022, Britain First responds to Stroud District Council Blackboy Clock recommendations"
Blackboy Clock