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Pankhurst, Sylvia
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has biography | a une biographie
- Feminist, socialist, anti-fascist, and anti-colonialist in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), Sylvia broke with her mother's leadership of the suffragette movement in 1914 and went on to defend Ethiopia during the Italian Invasion of 1935-1937. Sylvia formed a close friendship with Emperor Haile Selassie and died in Ethiopia in 1960.
- was born | est né
- 5 May 1882
- died in | est mort par
- 27 September 1960
- has parent | a pour parent
Pankurst, Emmeline
- has nationality | a la nationalité
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- has type | est de type
- depicted
- has association with | a une association avec
Selassie, Haile
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Wikipedia
- The Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee
- Vron Ware, 'All the rage: decolonizing the history of the British women's suffrage movement', Cultural Studies, 34, 4 (2020) 521-545
- Katherine Connelly, Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire (London: Pluto Press, 2013)