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Campbell, Colin, 1st Baron Clyde
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has biography | a une biographie
British Army officer and Commander-in-Chief of India from 1857 to 1861.
Campbell fought in several colonial conflicts in the Caribbean and Asia during the nineteenth century, and was involved in the suppression of the Demerara slave rebellion in 1823 and the Indian rebellion in 1857. - was born | est né
- 20 October 1792
- died in | est mort par
- 14 August 1863
- has nationality | a la nationalité
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- has type | est de type
- depicted
- has association with | a une association avec
1857, Indian Rebellion
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Wikipedia - Colin Campbell
- Wikipedia - Demerara rebellion of 1823
- Art UK
- National Portrait Gallery
- Stephen Mullen, 'Glasgow, Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: an Audit of Historic Connections and Modern Legacies', (Report for Glasgow City Council, 2022)
- Emilia Viotti da Costa, Crowns of Glory, Tears of Blood: The Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994)
- Thomas Harding, White Debt: The Demerara Uprising and Britain's Legacy of Slavery (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2022)