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Elder, John
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has biography | a une biographie
Scottish shipbuilder in the nineteenth century. In 1852, John Elder joined the firm of Randolph, Elliott, & Co., which was initially involved in building ship engines before expanding to constructing actual ships from the 1860s. Elder became the sole partner in the company from 1868 and renamed the firm John Elder & Co the following year. His wife Isabella Elder (1828-1905) then briefly took over management of the company upon John's death in 1869.
The Elders' shipbuilding firm was actively involved in supporting Britain's naval empire and imperial commerce throughout the nineteenth century. Some of the company's clients included the African Mail Company and the African Steamship Company, the latter of which was absorbed into Elder, Dempster and Co. in 1891. - was born | est né
- 8 March 1824
- died in | est mort par
- 17 September 1869
- has type | est de type
- depicted
- has association with | a une association avec
Elder, Isabella
- is current or former member of
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Wikipedia - John Elder
- Wikipedia - Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company
- Wikipedia - African Steamship Company
- Wikipedia - Elder Dempster Lines