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Statue of the Abolition of Slavery


has description | a une description
The statue is modelled on the Délivrance statue designed in 1914 by sculptor Emile Guillaume and chosen by the Nantes municipality in 1927 to complement the war memorial installed in 1918. The project takes this statue, arms raised to the sky to signify deliverance, and encircles it in chains symbolizing slavery, from which the enslaved person frees himself.
was commissioned by | a été commandé par
Collectif du 150e
has current owner | est actuellement possédée par
has current location | a pour localisation actuelle

Statue | La statue

shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
was produced by | a été produit par
Marcault-Derouard, Liza
has production plan | a un plan de production
S'inspire de la statue de la Délivrance.
is referred to by | est référencé par
Ouest France


was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de
1998, Inauguration of the Statue of Slavery.
Collectif du 150e
was modified by | a été modifié par
1998, Toppling the statue of the abolition of slavery