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Memorial to Alfred Lewis Jones, Liverpool
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has description | a une description
- Commemorative memorial at bust length of Alfred Lewis Jones (1845–1909) with a bronze allegorical statue of Liverpool placed above.
- was classified by | a été inscrite, classée, protégée par le biais de
- Grade II
- depicts | figure
Jones, Alfred Lewis
- shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
- woman
- consists of | consiste en
- bronze
- was produced by | a été produit par
Frampton, George
Statue | La statue
- has inscription | a une inscription
- In memory of Sir Alfred Lewis Jones KCMG; a shipowner strenuous in business, he enlarged the commerce of his country by his mercantile enterprise and, as founder of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, made science tributary in civilization in Western Africa and the colonies of the British Empire