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Bust of Agatha Christie, Torquay
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Bust of Agatha Christie, Torquay
Bust of Agatha Christie - front close up
Bust of Agatha Christie - from the left side
Bust of Agatha Christie - close up
Bust of Agatha Christie - full view front
Bust of Agatha Christie - from the left side and a distance
Bust of Agatha Christie - plinth
Bust of Agatha Christie - from the back
- has description | a une description
A small bust in bronze, mounted on a stone plinth, situated close to the Pavilion. It shows the author with a sympathetic expression and small smile, her head slightly titled to one side. The English Riviera website says: "The Agatha Christie Memorial Bust was commissioned by the English Riviera Tourist Board to mark the centenary of the author’s birth on September 15, 1890. Sculpted by the Dutch artist Carol Van Den Boom-Cairns, it was based on a photograph taken when the author was in her 60s. Unveiled by Agatha’s daughter, it was for many years the only bust of the author in the world, until an Agatha Christie Memorial was unveiled in London’s Theatreland in 2012 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of The Mousetrap."
The statue was unveiled on 15 September 1990 by Agatha Christie's daughter, Rosalind Hicks. This day was also the occasion for a banquet, whose menu is preserved at the Torquay Museum.
The Torquay Museum, about ten minutes walk from the statue, includes an Agatha Christie exhibit. This consists of furniture and props received from ITV Studios after the completion of filming of the final episode of its adaptation of Christie's Poirot novels. The furniture was installed in the museum in 2013. Further donations were received from the actor David Suchet, who had successfully played Poirot in the series.
The exhibited items are framed by interpretive panels which speak of Agatha Christie's childhood, adult life, marriages, literary career and the adaptations of her novels. It barely mentions her travels in the Middle East, and makes no mention of the British Empire and its Mandates in the region. - was commissioned by | a été commandé par
- English Riviera
- depicts | figure
Christie, Agatha Mary Clarissa, née Miller
- shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
- woman
- consists of | consiste en
- bronze
- was produced by | a été produit par
- Van Den Boom-Cairns, Carol
Statue | La statue
- has inscription | a une inscription
- Agatha Christie D.B.E.
This statue was unveiled on
10th September 1990
Rosalind Hicks, Daughter of Dame Agatha Christie
in the presence of
The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay
Councillor Mrs Frances Johnson
to commemmorate the birth of
Agatha Christue in Torbay on
15th September 1890.
Sculptor - Carol van den Boom-Cairns