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Monument to Ernest Deproge


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Buste d'Ernest Deproge (1925)
has description | a une description
Bust of Ernest Deproge, in frock coat and with a full beard, one of the symbols worn by French Republicans in the late 19th century.
was commissioned by | a été commandé par
Local committee created in March 1922
has current owner | est actuellement possédée par
has current location | a pour localisation actuelle

Statue | La statue

depicts | figure
Deproge, Ernest
consists of | consiste en

Plinth | Le socle

has inscription | a une inscription
To Ernest Deproge, his friends, his admirers, his fellow citizens, 1850-1921
consists of | consiste en


was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de
1925, Inauguration du buste d'Ernest Deproge