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2024, Historic Environment Scotland releases report on Connections Between Properties in Care and the British Empire


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From the Historic Environment Scotland website: "Key Findings of the Report:

126 (37.5%) of the 336 PiCs have one or more identifiable “empire connections.”
The largest category of connection is “property,” with 69% of the 126 PiCs having a link to the British Empire via their ownership.

The area of the British Empire most consistently linked with PiCs is the Caribbean: over 50 PiCs align with this area of the world, while Asian connections can be seen in over 40 PiCs.

A small number of PiCs memorialise individuals connected to the trafficking of African enslaved people.

The report was conducted by Dr Stephen Mullen, Professor Stephen Driscoll, and Dr Andrew Mackillop from the University of Glasgow in collaboration with a steering group of HES staff and an advisory board of external experts.

HES is committed to using the findings of this report to inform decision-making on updates to future visitor interpretation. The organisation is developing several new resources and initiatives to help visitors understand the complex relationship between Scotland and the British Empire. "
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Historic Environment Scotland
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February 2024
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Historic Environment Scotland