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2024, Dr Stephen Mullen, Dr Andrew Mackillop and Stephen Driscoll, Surveying and Analysing Connections between Properties in Care and the British Empire, c.1600–1997


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
has type | est de type
date | date
February 2024
publisher | éditeur
Historic Environment Scotland
right held by | droit détenu par
Public Domain
rights | droits
Open Government Licence
is referred to by | est référencé par
Historic Environment Scotland

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Items with "resulted in | a eu pour résultat: 2024, Dr Stephen Mullen, Dr Andrew Mackillop and Stephen Driscoll, Surveying and Analysing Connections between Properties in Care and the British Empire, c.1600–1997"
2024, Historic Environment Scotland releases report on Connections Between Properties in Care and the British Empire