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2020, 2d Demonstration around the statue of Paul Bert
- has description | a une description
- Black Lives Matter" banners were hung on the statue, on the bridge on which it stands, on the Paul Bert street signs downtown and beside the Paul Bert secondary school.
- has type | est de type
- contestation
- carried out by | réalisée par
- Assemblée Populaire d'Auxerre
- took place at | a eu lieu dans
- Auxerre
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 31 July 2020
- was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
Black Lives Matter (BLM)
- resulted in | a eu pour résultat
Declaration by the Assemblée Populaire d'Auxerre on its website.
"On the night of Friday, July 30 to Saturday, August 1 [2020], a group of activists from the Assemblée Populaire d'Auxerre (APA 89) set up several displays in the town of Auxerre, 89.
These posters targeted places bearing the name Paul Bert in Auxerre (café, house, statue, street, college) with the inscription "Black Lives Matter" and the Monument aux Déportés, Fusillés et Internés de l'Yonne with the inscription "Plus Jamais".
The posters, which were not damaged in any way, were made on paper or fabric and attached with string, serflex or scotch tape, depending on the surface, but were all written in red letters on a white background to remind us of the deaths linked to these causes.
[...] Indeed, Paul Bert was the originator of racialist theses which, even if they reflect a historical context, are no longer tolerable in the 21st century.
We would like to see plaques erected to explain why some of the most famous names in our history have sometimes taken positions that would no longer be defensible today.
A final banner was displayed at the Monument aux Déportés, Fusillés et Internés de l'Yonne. This monument, with its realistic 1:1 scale sculptures, shows that it is possible to come to terms with the darkest parts of human history. At once a symbol of events that humanity no longer wishes to relive, it also bears clear witness to their existence.
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Assemblée populaire d'Auxerre