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2015, Stèle « à la gloire des Goum mixtes marocains »
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Moroccan-style portico
The Mixed Moroccan Goums are groups of Moroccan soldiers created by the French army who played an essential role during the Second World War. - managed by | dirigé par
- Ville de Paris
- has current location | a pour localisation actuelle
- 1, place Denys Cochin 75007 Paris
- has dimension (height (cm)) | a pour dimension (hauteur (cm))
- 260
- has inscription | a une inscription
- In French and in arabic, in one side : "To the glory of the mixed Moroccan goums created at the instigation of Marshal Lyautey".
"To the goumiers, maounines, moqqadmines and their leaders who fell on the Field of Honor".
"Their influence in Morocco, their ardor in the reconquest of French soil under the impetus of prestigious leaders, their sacrifices in the Far East, have inscribed a dazzling epic in the folds of their flag and their pennants".
"Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Corsica, Italy, France, Germany, Indochina".
"Ziddoul 'gouddam: forward, was their motto"
On the other side : from Mohammed V's appeal to his people to support France as it went to war, and read in all Morocco's mosques in 1939.
"It is today, as France takes up arms to defend her soil, her honor, her dignity, her future and ours, that we ourselves must be faithful to the principles of our race, our history and our religion.
From this day on, until the standard of France and her allies is crowned with glory, we owe her our unreserved support, not to bargain with her for any of our resources, and not to shrink from any sacrifice. We were bound to her in times of tranquility and opulence, and it is right that we should stand by her in the ordeal she is going through, from which she will emerge, we are convinced, glorious and great.
Plinth | Le socle
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Musée de la résistance en ligne