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Monument to Doctor Hamy


has description | a une description
The monument in honor of Doctor Hamy consists of a pedestal on which a bronze bust of Ernest Hamy is mounted, and in front of which an allegorical female figure in a long, full dress, holding a skull in her left hand and a measuring instrument in her right. Stylized ethnographic types are engraved on three sides of the pedestal: a Breton woman on the right, a North American First Nations man and an Asian man at the back, and a South American man on the left.
was commissioned by | a été commandé par
Committee for the construction of a monument to Doctor Hamy (national committee in Paris, and local committee in Boulogne-sur-Mer)
has current owner | est actuellement possédée par
has current location | a pour localisation actuelle

Statue | La statue

depicts | figure
Hamy, Ernest
shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
consists of | consiste en
was produced by | a été produit par
Fagel, Léon

Plinth | Le socle

has inscription | a une inscription
Des types ethnographiques sont gravés sur le piédestal.
consists of | consiste en
has time capsule | a une capsule temporelle


was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de
1912, Inauguration of Monument to Doctor Hamy.