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1912, Inauguration of Monument to Doctor Hamy.


has description | a une description
The monument had been ready since November 1911, and installed in the Place Godeffroi de Bouillon, in the center of the old upper town, but the committee preferred to wait until spring for the inauguration. In March, when the municipality began to prepare for the inauguration, Mademoiselle Dubard-Hamy, the statue's daughter, with the support of the mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer, asked that the monument be moved to a more tree-lined and airy location. After obtaining the agreement of the sculptor, the mayor moved the monument to the Boulevard du Prince Albert, at the foot of the ramparts of the old upper town.
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Inauguration ceremonies are organized by Boulogne-sur-Mer town council
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
30 June 1912
was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
The monument was the brainchild of a committee formed on the death of Ernest Hamy to build a monument in his memory in his native Boulogne-sur-Mer. This committee, founded by Dr. Verneau, professor of anthropology at the Museum and curator of the Musée d'Ethnographie, and Hamy's colleagues, students and friends, approached the mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer to form a local committee. The town's municipal archives hold the many letters of request sent by the mayor and the replies of the personalities approached: the committee was placed under the patronage of the Prince of Monaco and the Institut, and Gaston Doumergue, Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, was honorary president.
is referred to by | est référencé par
Inauguration du monument de E.-T. Hamy, Mâcon, Protat Frères Imprimeurs, date inconnue
Mickaël Hénocq, Aspects et enjeux de la mémoire à Boulogne-sur-Mer à travers les monuments commémoratifs, mémoire de Master 2, ULCO, 2002, non publié
Municipal Archives, Boulogne-sur-Mer

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Items with "was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de: 1912, Inauguration du Monument au Docteur Hamy."
Monument to Doctor Hamy