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1941-1946, Removal of bronze figures from monument to Doctor Hamy.


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
2024, Monument to Dr Hamy, Boulogne-sur-Mer, photo : Julie Marquet
has description | a une description
The bust and allegorical figure disappeared during the Second World War. They appear on the lists of monuments destined to be removed for reconstruction. They were not targeted for their link with colonization. However, only the bust of Doctor Hamy is replaced by a stone copy, while the allegorical female figure holding a human skull and a measuring instrument remains absent. The most likely hypothesis is that there was not enough money to reproduce the figure, but it is also possible that after the war, with the evolution of human sciences, it was not deemed desirable to reinstall in the public space an allegory of craniology and the racial classification of mankind.
resulted in | a eu pour résultat
The front of the pedestal remains empty.

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Items with "was modified by | a été modifié par: 1941-1946, Enlèvement des figures de bronze du monument au Docteur Hamy."
Monument to Doctor Hamy