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1898, French soldiers face British army in Fachoda


has description | a une description
July 10, 1898: Mission Marchand moves to Fachoda on the White Nile after signing a treaty with Grand Mek Abd El Fadil, ruler of the Chillouks.
September 19, 1898: General Kitchener's army arrives and demands that the French evacuate Fachoda.
November 12, 1898: the Marchand mission withdrew, rejecting the British offer to pass through Egypt and opting instead for Djibouti.
has type | est de type
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps

Linked resources

Items with "is referred to by | est référencé par: 1898, Face-à-face entre soldats français et armée britannique à Fachoda"
1949, Inauguration of Marchand Monument
Items with "has association with | a une association avec: 1898, Face-à-face entre soldats français et armée britannique à Fachoda"
Marchand, Jean-Baptiste