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2012, Request to reinstall the Marchand statue
- has description | a une description
The request was made by an opposition politician from the 12th arrondissement of Paris (where the monument is located). Among the reasons given: the "humanitarian" dimension of the mission. The request was rejected.
Following the same logic of rehabilitation, flowers are sometimes placed on the monument: at the feet of the first European and at the feet of the doctor (example in 2024). - has type | est de type
- defence
- took place at | a eu lieu dans
- Paris
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 2012
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Olivier Favier - Dormira jamais
2024 Des fleurs pour la mission Marchand (1)
2024, Des fleurs pour la mission Marchand (2)
- Emmanuelle Sibeud, « Monument à Gallieni, Paris », Cast in Stone, [consulté le 23 mars 2024]
- Gravées dans le marbre