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Rouge Vert Noir


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Collectif martiniquais defines itself as "A liannaj (half-formal, half-informal network) between Martinican citizens, independent of any personality, political or religious movement or administrative structure, driven by a love of their country and a desire to serve it, and by their pride in being Martiniquais".
is referred to by | est référencé par
Rouge Vert Noir

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Items with "carried out by | réalisée par: Rouge Vert Noir"
2020, La statue de Belain d'Esnambuc est arrachée de son socle
2020, The remaining base of the Josephine statue is transformed into a permaculture planter
July 24, 2020, Activists from the Rouge Vert Noir collective issue an ultimatum to Fort-de-France town hall for the removal of the statue of Josephine
Items with "was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par: Rouge Vert Noir"
2020, The statue of Victor Schœlcher is destroyed in Schœlcher
Items with "is referred to by | est référencé par: Rouge Vert Noir"
2019, Drapeau indépendantiste peint sur le socle de la statue de Belain d'Esnambuc