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1896, Inauguration of the monument to General Faidherbe


has description | a une description
The inauguration of the statue on October 25, 1896 was a very official event, organized by a "committee for the organization of the inauguration festivities", with the help of the army, for a budget of 1,500 Francs. The town hall, the prefecture and the committee issued invitations to numerous national political figures (the President of the Republic, who declined, the Minister of War, who attended) and to all the mayors of the region, the presidents of the chambers of commerce and the magistrates of the commercial court, as well as to numerous sports, musical, youth and veterans' societies. The inauguration of the statue was also a popular event, with large numbers of people attending the festivities. The festivities went off without a hitch, despite prior tensions between clerics and anticlerics, and between socialists and moderate republicans, all of whom claimed Faidherbe's legacy. The local and national press reported on the celebrations: ceremonies began at 10:30 a.m., with the mayor and town council welcoming 35 gymnastics societies, followed by parades and official speeches. The festivities lasted three days, from October 24 to 26, 1896, and included medal presentations, poetry recitals, the singing of a cantata in Faidherbe's honor, bomb and artillery firings, concerts, popular dances, illuminations.
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Lille township
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
24 October 1896
26 October 1896
had duration | a duré
3 days
is referred to by | est référencé par
Archives départementales
Julie Marquet, « Monument au général Faidherbe, Lille », Cast in Stone

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Items with "was brought into existence by | a commencé à exister du fait de: 1896, Inauguration du monument au général Faidherbe"
Monument to général Faidherbe, Lille