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2022,"Traces and memory of slavery in the Val d'Oise" symposium, Pontoise


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Conference organized by the Val d'Oise Federation of the Libre Pensée and the Association Laïque des Amis de Maria Deraismes. This symposium was also co-organized by the departmental associations of the LDH, the Ligue de l'Enseignement and the FRANCAS. It took place as part of the "journée des mémoires de la traite, de l'esclavage et de leur abolition" (day of remembrance of the slave trade, slavery and its abolition).
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took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
21 May 2022
resulted in | a eu pour résultat
"The participants in the symposium "Traces et mémoire de l'esclavage en Val d'Oise" (Traces and memory of slavery in the Val d'Oise) held on Saturday, May 21, 2022 in Pontoise, after listening to the various speakers :
- Edouard Glissant's words in Mémoires de l'esclavage: "Those who have never known have no memory, it's true, but in this case forgetting is not an illness, it's a total closure, a birth defect. If, on the other hand, you happen to forget the condition you made to someone, you offend them by considering that this condition was not worthy of being retained by you. If you forget the condition someone has made for you, you renounce the particularity of the dialogue that links you to that someone".
- As a result, the colloquium participants refuse to accept that in Pontoise the memory of the victims of the mass massacre in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) by the troops of General Leclerc, sent by Bonaparte to re-establish slavery, should be neither heard nor honored.
- They reiterate their demand that the municipality :
o that clear information be provided to citizens and young people in the vicinity of the statue to highlight this act of barbarism, which the Taubira law has qualified as a "crime against humanity",
o that the negationist Starck sign in front of the Pontoise train station - which glorifies a crime against humanity - be removed and replaced by one that reflects the reality of events in Haiti.
- They will continue their actions until they obtain satisfaction for the memory of what was in fact the history of slavery and colonization."
is referred to by | est référencé par
Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée

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Items with "was discussed by | a été contesté par: 2022, Colloque « Traces et mémoire de l’esclavage en Val d’Oise », Pontoise"
Statue of Charles Leclerc, Pontoise