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2022 , White paint on another statue by Ousmane Sow in Besançon, France


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The hands and face of another statue by Ousmane Sow, "L'homme et l'enfant", installed in Besançon since 2013, are covered in white paint. The town hall lodges a complaint
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took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
22 November 2022
resulted in | a eu pour résultat
Press release from the municipality:
"The laundering of these works of art is a serious and alarming act that reflects the deep-seated and unabashed racism that certain political leaders encourage and fuel".
It points out that racism and incitement to hatred are offences punishable by law.
The municipal majority, led by Anne Vignot, mayor of Europe-Ecologie Les Verts, is calling for "an investigation into the ultra-right in Besançon for incitement to racial hatred".
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Anonyme, 23 novembre 2022, « Besançon : une autre statue du Sénégalais Ousmane Sow vandalisée après celle de Victor Hugo », HuffingtonPost, consulté en ligne le 20 janvier 2023