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2023, Conviction of the perpetrators of the defacement of the Victor Hugo statue in November 2022


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Prosecuted for vandalism with 3 aggravating circumstances: targeting public property, perpetrated as part of a group, with a discriminatory character (articles 322-3 and 132-76 of the Penal Code), they were sentenced to 140 hours of community service by the Besançon court for the "racist" defacement of a statue of Victor Hugo. They should do three months' imprisonment if they fail to carry out this sentence.
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
17 February 2023

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Items with "was discussed by | a été contesté par: 2023, Condamnation des auteurs de la dégradation de la statue de Victor Hugo en novembre 2022"
Statue of Victor Hugo, Besançon