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2020, The foot of the horse, the base and the pedestal of the statue of Napoleon receive red paint
- has description | a une description
- On the night of June 24-25, 2020, the monument to Napoleon Bonaparte was sprayed with red paint
- has type | est de type
- contestation
- carried out by | réalisée par
- No one has claimed responsibility. The perpetrators have not been identified.
- took place at | a eu lieu dans
- Place du Général de Gaulle, Rouen, France
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 24 June 2020
- 25 June 2020
- was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
- 2020, The bust of Christopher Columbus is sprayed with red paint and the base is tagged
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Tendance Ouest