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Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire)


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
François-Marie Arouet, dit Voltaire par Nicolas deLargillière
has biography | a une biographie
French writer emblematic of the 18th century and of the figure of the committed writer. Presented as the embodiment of the Enlightenment movement, his image and his work have been mobilized for contradictory causes. He is regularly accused of publicly condemning slavery and racism while personally profiting from them. This accusation was made in the 19th century, relying on a letter which was proved to be a forgery.
was born | est né
22 November 1694
died in | est mort par
30 May 1778
has nationality | a la nationalité
has type | est de type
is referred to by | est référencé par
Loïc Dechambenoit, "Voltaire déboulonné", En volées, revue électronique consacrée aux lectures et à la réception de Voltaire s'intéresse en cette fin d'année 2022 aux statues de Voltaire.

Linked resources

Items with "main figure depicted | personnage principal représenté: Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire)"
Statue de Voltaire, Paris