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Monument to Victor Schœlcher, Le Diamant
- has description | a une description
- The monument consists of a pedestal on which a bust of Victor Schœlcher stands.
- was discussed by | a été contesté par
- 2021, The monument to Victor Schœlcher is decapitated and tagged
- depicts | figure
Schœlcher, Victor
- has production plan | a un plan de production
- The monument was produced with other monuments in 1998 to mark the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery. Together with the statue of Neg Mawon and Cap 110, a group of 15 statues placed in a triangle, in reference to the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas, the Monument à Victor Schœlcher forms a monumental ensemble honoring the memory of those who were enslaved, resisted slavery and fought for its abolition.