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2021, The monument to Victor Schœlcher is decapitated and tagged


has description | a une description
On the night of March 5-6, 2021, the bust of Victor Schœlcher was removed from its base and tagged. Inscriptions were spray-painted in black: “JM Sonjé!!!”, “Fier d'être colonisé?” and three colors, red, green and black, were also spray-painted.
has type | est de type
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
5 March 2021
was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
The inscription “JM Sonjé” invites us to make the connection with the action carried out by activists at the JM distillery in Macouba on February 12, 2021, aimed at making the distillery and public opinion react to the presence of a colonial emblem, the 4 snakes flag, and colonial imagery (slaves sent out to sea to retrieve barrels) on the bottles of rum marketed by the distillery.
2021, Health crisis in the French West Indies
resulted in | a eu pour résultat
The mayor files a handrail.
is referred to by | est référencé par
Les statues de la discorde
Les statues de la discorde

Linked resources

Items with "was discussed by | a été contesté par: 2021, Le monument à Victor Schœlcher est décapité et tagué."
Monument to Victor Schœlcher, Le Diamant