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2024, An ephemeral collaborative sculpture representing the peoples of French Guiana is installed where the statue of Schœlcher once stood
- has description | a une description
- The sculpture represents a stylized tree. It is made from a pirogue and paddles, representing the different peoples of French Guiana. Four trees are drawn on the ground. The installation was partly created for the festivities held in Place Schœlcher on Sunday June 2. According to Radio Peyi's instagram post, MDES secretary general Fabien Canavy explains that the sculpture is “a strong symbolic act through these four roots that we traced on the ground with the help of graffiti artist Carlito, which illustrate the three basic communities, and then the contributions of all the communities that have arrived in French Guiana and who contribute to the enrichment of our country. Then, the base is a trunk, symbolizing a trunk for us. And so the roots nourish the tree, the tree gives wood. The wood is used to make the canoe, the oars. And our canoe, with these paddles raised as a sign of determination, are the Businenge, Amerindian and Creole paddles, raised as a sign of determination and a canoe facing east, towards the rising sun. And we are all, all the communities together in this canoe and we are sailing towards our destiny, which is a common destiny".
- has type | est de type
- contestation
- carried out by | réalisée par
- Participatory production, organized by the Mouvement de décolonisation et d'émancipation sociale (MDES)
- took place at | a eu lieu dans
- Place Schœlcher, Cayenne, France
- took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
- 2 June 2024
- was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par
- MDES organizes the Gran Kontré, a moment of social and political mobilization for Guyanese, who are invited to present their vision of the “Guyana of tomorrow”. The event is being organized at a time when Cayenne town council is examining plans to renovate the square. The MDES has indicated that if calls for proposals are issued for the erection of a monument, it will propose the sculpture of the tree.