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Nightingale, Florence
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has biography | a une biographie
- English social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing. Nightingale was involved in efforts to study and improve sanitation in India in the wake of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Nightingale's travels to Egypt in the mid-nineteenth century also represent an interesting contribution to the field of Egyptology, with her impressions of the country recorded in Letters from Egypt: A Journey on the Nile, 1849-1850.
- was born | est né
- 12 May 1820
- died in | est mort par
- 13 August 1910
- has nationality | a la nationalité
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- has type | est de type
- depicted
- has association with | a une association avec
Seacole, Mary