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2020, Graffiti and paint thrown at the monument to Colbert in Paris


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On 23 June 2020, an activist from Guadeloupe, member of the Brigade Anti-Négrophobie (BAN), spray painted the words "Negrophobie d'Etat" in red, onto the plinth of Colbert's monument in front of Assemblée Nationale. He also threw red paint onto the statue's chest, and onto the document it is holding in its hands.
The police, always in front of the AssembléeNationale, intervened immediately and arrested the activist on the spot. The State pressed charges for "dégradation de bien public".
A video of the action and the activist's arrest was posted on BAN's Twitter account. The activist explained: “Vous voyez, les racistes sont de l’autre coté de l’Assemblée. Ça c’est une statue qui vient prôner la négrophobie, le meurtre des Noirs, le viol des Noirs, la torture des Noirs”.
was classified by | a été classifiée par le biais de
carried out by | réalisée par
Brigade anti-négrophobie
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
23 June 2020
is referred to by | est référencé par
Lalouette Jacqueline. 2021. Les statues de la discorde. Paris, Passés composés / Humensis, p. 73-79.
Le Figaro
Connaissance des Arts
Twitter BTM TV
Twitter Brigade Anti-Négrophobie (activist's arrest)
Public Sénat

Linked resources

Items with "was motivated by | le déplacement a été motivé par: 2020, Graffiti and paint thrown at the monument to Colbert in Paris"
2020 Open letter against the monument to Colbert in Paris
2021, Sentencing for degradation of monument to Colbert in Paris
2021, Trial for degradation of monument to Colbert in Paris
Items with "was modified by | a été modifié par: 2020, Graffiti and paint thrown at the monument to Colbert in Paris"
Statue of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Paris