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Equestrian statue of Redvers Buller, Exeter


has description | a une description
Equestrian statue of General Sir Redvers Buller and his horse "Biffen", sculpted by Adrian Jones. The statue was commissioned by the Buller Memorial Committee (established in Exeter in October 1901 after Buller's controversial dismissal from the British Army) and was unveiled in the city in 1905. The statue stands at the junction of Hele Road and New North Road, in between Exeter College and Bury Meadow Park.

The statue and its plinth make direct references to Buller's colonial career. The inclusion of Buller's horse Biffen and the line on the plinth, "HE SAVED NATAL", are references to Buller's eventual victory at the relief of Ladysmith on March 1st, 1900 during the Second Boer War of 1899-1902. Other inscriptions on the plinth note the locations where Buller was involved in colonial conflicts, including India, China, Canada, Ashanti (Ghana), Sudan and South Africa.

The statue of Buller is unusual in that it is a rare case of an equestrian statue depicting a military general located outside of London. Most statues of this type (which typically depicted either a monarch or a military figure) were usually installed in the metropole at the time, and the statue of Stapleton Cotton in Cheshire is probably the closest artistic counterpart to Buller's statue. Jones had considerable experience in sculpting equestrian statues beforehand, producing works such as Duncan's Horses in 1892 and Persimmon in 1895.
Please also note that the Buller statue is especially sensitive as a site of memory due to a tragic accident that took place in June 2017, when Tom Callaway, a young 18 year old from the Exeter area, died after falling from the statue and sustaining serious injuries. Tom's obituary has been included below in his memory.
was commissioned by | a été commandé par
Buller Memorial Committee
has current owner | est actuellement possédée par
managed by | dirigé par
Exeter City Council
has current location | a pour localisation actuelle
was classified by | a été inscrite, classée, protégée par le biais de

Statue | La statue

depicts | figure
Buller, Redvers
shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
consists of | consiste en
was produced by | a été produit par
Jones, Adrian
St Aubyn, John, 1st Baron St Levan

Plinth | Le socle

has inscription | a une inscription
Left side:
V.C. C.C.B. C.C.M.C

Right side:
consists of | consiste en


was modified by | a été modifié par
1901, Redvers Buller is dismissed from the British Army
1901, Local politicians in Exeter respond to the dismissal of Redvers Buller
1901, Creation of the Buller Memorial Committee in Exeter
1901, Buller Memorial Committee decides to create a memorial to Redvers Buller
1902, Ladysmith Day held in Exeter
1902, Buller Memorial Committee decides to build a statue of Redvers Buller in Exeter as a memorial
1902, Treaty of Vereeniging ends the Second Boer War
1902, Debate held on Redvers Buller in Parliament
1903, Redvers Buller testifies before the Royal Commission on the South African War, 1899-1900
1903, Ladysmith Day held in Exeter
1903, Boer War memorial window and tablet unveiled in Exeter Cathedral
1903, Buller Memorial Committee commissions Adrian Jones to produce the statue of Redvers Buller
1903, Redvers Buller unveils a Boer War memorial in Bermondsey
1903, Crediton Arts and Crafts Exhibition
1903, Buller Memorial Committee locates a site for the Redvers Buller statue in Exeter
1904, Ladysmith Day held in Exeter
1904, Adrian Jones sends a bust of Redvers Buller to King Edward VII
1904, Redvers Buller unveils a Boer War memorial in Tonbridge
1904, Work begins on preparing the site of the Redvers Buller statue in Exeter
1904, London Devonian Dinner pays tribute to Redvers Buller
1905, Ladysmith Day held in Exeter
1905, Redvers Buller unveils a Boer War memorial in Nuneaton
1905, Garnet Wolseley agrees to unveil the statue of Redvers Buller in Exeter
1905, Garnet Wolseley announces he is unable to unveil the statue of Redvers Buller in Exeter for medical reasons
1905, Executive Committee of Devonians meeting in London
1905, Installation of the Redvers Buller statue in Exeter
1905, Official Souvenir of the Unveiling of the Buller Memorial
1905, Unveiling of the Redvers Buller statue in Exeter
1906, George Lambert attacks St. John Brodrick over his visit to Devon and refers to the Redvers Buller statue
1907, Redvers Buller unveils a Boer War memorial in Warrington
1908, Funeral for Redvers Buller
1911, Memorial to Redvers Buller in Crediton Parish Church unveiled
1913, Memorial plaque to Redvers Buller unveiled in Exeter Cathedral
1953, Redvers Buller statue becomes a listed building
2015, Anti-colonial protest boards hung on the Redvers Buller statue
2019, Redvers Buller statue graffitied
2020, Redvers Buller statue placed under review by Exeter City Council
2020, Online petitions to remove the Redvers Buller statue
2020, Online petition against the removal of the Redvers Buller statue
2021, Exeter City Council votes to relocate the Redvers Buller statue
2021, Exeter City Council reverses its earlier decision and votes against the removal of the Redvers Buller statue
2021, Exeter City Council provides an update on the Redvers Buller statue
2021, Creation of a working group for interpretation of the Redvers Buller statue
2023, Installation of an interpretation board by the Redvers Buller statue