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Statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury
Statue of Robert Clive in Shrewsbury, new plaque on the side
Plaque next to Statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury
Details of text on plaque next to Statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury
Details of text and image on plaque next to the statue of Robert Clive, Shrewsbury
Details of plaque next to statue of Robert Clive in Shrewsbury, showing funders
Statue of Robert Clive in Shrewsbury, close up view
Statue of Robert Clive in the Market Square, Shrewsbury
Statue of Robert Clive in the Market Square, Shrewsbury, with soldiers fundraising
- has description | a une description
- A life-size bronze statue of Robert Clive in eighteenth-century military uniform, mounted on a polished granite plinth. He is bare-headed, with a grim and determined expression, looking over the heads of viewers towards the distance. He holds his hat in the left hand, and his right hand is at his waist, exposing a middle-aged masculine belly, indicating a man of experience.
- managed by | dirigé par
Shropshire Council
- was classified by | a été inscrite, classée, protégée par le biais de
- Grade II
- was discussed by | a été contesté par
- 1956, Clive statue of Shrewsbury is recorded as a Grade II listed building
- 2007, Statue of Siraj ud daula installed in Plassey
- 2020, Market Drayton museum curator defends statue of Robert Clive
- 2020, Crowd gathers to defend statue of Robert Clive in Shrewsbury
- 2020, Daniel Kawczynski, M.P. for Shrewsbury and Atcham, calls for peaceful discussion over the statue of Robert Clive and praises the British Empire
- 2020, SEMA supports BLM protests and calls Robert Clive a 'robber-baron'
- 2021, Robert Clive's descendant expresses disapproval of the Clive statue in Shrewsbury
- depicts | figure
Clive, Robert
- consists of | consiste en
- bronze
- was produced by | a été produit par
Marochetti, Carlo
Statue | La statue
- has inscription | a une inscription
- consists of | consiste en
- granite
Plinth | Le socle
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Historic England