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Statue of Robert Ascroft


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Statue of Robert Ascroft
has description | a une description
Winston Churchill described the funding of the statue of Robert Ascroft in My Early Life:

'They made a subscription of more than £2,000, the bulk collected in very small sums, to set up a statue to him as ‘The Workers’ Friend’. They stipulated – and I thought it characteristic of these Lancashire operatives – that the money was not to go to anything useful; no beds at a hospital, no extensions to a library, no fountain even, just a memorial. They did not want, they said, to give a present to themselves.' (p. 233)
funded by | financé par
has current location | a pour localisation actuelle
was classified by | a été inscrite, classée, protégée par le biais de

Statue | La statue

depicts | figure
Ascroft, Robert
shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
consists of | consiste en
was produced by | a été produit par
Pomeroy, F. W.

Plinth | Le socle

consists of | consiste en