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Equestrian statue of Prince Albert, Holborn
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has description | a une description
- Accompanied by two bronze relief panels, titled "The Prince laying the first stone of the Royal Exchange, Jan 17, 1842", and "Exhibition of All Nations, 1851, Britannia distributing awards", and two bronze allegorical girls representing "History" and "Peace".
- was classified by | a été inscrite, classée, protégée par le biais de
- Grade II
- depicts | figure
- consists of | consiste en
- bronze
- was produced by | a été produit par
- Bacon, Charles
Statue | La statue
Plinth | Le socle
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Historic England
- Art UK
- Bob Speel - British Sculpture & Church Monuments