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Statue of The Trooper, Hatfield House
Also popularly known as 'The Troopie', 'The Trooper' is a repatriated Rhodesian statue and war memorial situated in the grounds of Hatfield House in Hertfordshire. The statue and memorial is dedicated to the Rhodesian Light Infantry. The Trooper statue was originally erected in Salisbury, Rhodesia (today Harare, Zimbabwe) in 1979, during the period of white minority rule. It was subsequently smuggled out of the country to apartheid South Africa, and later entered the collections of the now-dissolved British Empire and Commonwealth Museum in Bristol. The statue was erected in its current place in 2008. The history, memory and symbolism of white-minority ruled Rhodesia has frequently been idolised and drawn upon by white supremacists in the twenty-first century. In 2015, the Charleston Church attacker, who killed nine African Americans in a white supremacist terror attack, was pictured wearing a Rhodesia flag patch on his jacket, and registered his own personal website under the title "The Last Rhodesian". In another white supremacist terror attack in 2023, a white shooter, again wearing a Rhodesian flag patch, killed three African Americans in Jacksonville, Florida. -
Statue of Thomas Alexandre Dumas, Paris
Statue of Thomas and Jane Holloway, Royal Holloway College
- Statue of Thomas Bugeaud, Paris
Statue of Thomas Carlyle, Embankment Gardens
Statue of Thomas Coram, Camden
Statue of Thomas Dyke Acland, Exeter
Statue of Thomas Gainsborough, Sudbury
Statue of Thomas Guy, Guys Hospital
Statue of Thomas Hughes
Statue of Thomas Jefferson, Paris
Standing with his left hand on his hip, Jefferson appears to be observing and seeking inspiration, before resuming the layout of his Monticello home. The statue faces the Hôtel de Salm, which served as a model for Monticello -
Statue of Thomas Picton
Removed in July 2020. -
Statue of Thomas Waghorn
- Statue of Toussaint Louverture, Massy
Statue of Vélo, Pointe-à-Pitre
Assis dans la posture du tambouyé, jouant sur un tambour droit (contrairement à l’habitude qui consistait à jouer sur un tambour penché), Marcel Lollia est représenté torse nu, portant un pantalon large évoquant la frugalité qui caractérise surtout la fin de sa vie. -
Statue of Victor Hugo, Besançon
In a three-piece suit, Victor Hugo is standing one hand in his pocket, the other holding a pocket watch that he is looking at. The bronze is polychrome, blue jacket, white shirt, white beard and hair, bronze-colored skin. -
Statue of Victory, Royal Artillery Barracks
Statue of Virginia Woolf
Statue of W E Gladstone, Blackburn
Statue of W E Gladstone, Glasgow
Statue of W E Gladstone, Hawarden
Statue of W E Gladstone, Liverpool
Statue of W E Gladstone, Manchester
Statue of W E Gladstone, Tower Hamlets
Statue of W E Gladstone, Westminster
Statue of Walter Farquhar Hook
Statue of Walter Raleigh
Statue of Wilfrid Lawson
Statue of William Beckford
Statue of William Booth, Denmark Hill
Statue of William Booth, Whitechapel
Statue of William Coulson
Statue of William Earle, Liverpool
Statue of William Edward Forster
Statue of William Hillary
Statue of William Huskisson, Liverpool
The statue of Huskisson was first erected in Liverpool in 1847, but was later toppled by anti-racist activists in 1982 due to Huskisson's support for the institution of slavery. The statue was re-erected in its present location in 2005, while the empty plinth has been recontextualised with an information panel. -
Statue of William Huskisson, Pimlico Gardens
Statue of William III, Brixham
Statue of William III, Fulbourn
Statue of William III, Kensington Gardens
Statue of William III, Portsmouth
Statue of William III, Silsoe
Statue of William IV, Cheltenham
Statue of William IV, Greenwich
Statue of William James Pirrie
Statue of William Lowther
Statue of William Mackinnon, Campbeltown
The statue of Mackinnon was originally installed in Mombasa, Kenya in 1900, but was later repatriated to Dunbarton School in 1964 and re-erected in Campbelltown in 2004. -
Statue of William Nott
Statue of William Pearce
Statue of William Pitt the Younger, Cambridge