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Mémorial de Victoria
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- depicts | figure
- shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
- femme
- consists of | consiste en
- marbre
- was produced by | a été produit par
Brock, Thomas
Statue | La statue
Plinth | Le socle
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Wikipedia
- Historic England
- British Pathé - 'Unveiling the Victoria Memorial' (1911)
- John Plunkett, 'A Tale of Two Statues: Memorialising Queen Victoria in London and Calcutta', 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 33 (2022)
- Tori Smith, ‘“A grand work of noble conception”: The Victoria Memorial and Imperial London’, in Imperial Cities: Landscape, Display and Identity, ed. by Felix Driver and David Gilbert (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999) 21–39
- Tate - Fons Americanus (Kara Walker, 2019)