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Statue de Thomas Dyke Acland, Exeter


has current location | a pour localisation actuelle

Statue | La statue

shows visual item | présente l'item visuel
consists of | consiste en
was produced by | a été produit par
Stephens, Edward Bowring

Plinth | Le socle

has inscription | a une inscription
As a tribute
Of affectionate respect
For private worth
And public integrity and in
Testimony of admiration
For the generous heart
And open hand
Which have been ever ready
To protect the weak
To relieve the needy
And to succour the oppressed
Of whatever party
Race or creed
A.D. 1861
Praesentei tibi maturos largimur honorus
(To you, ever prompt, we give ready honours: translated from the Latin by Dr Hester Schadee)
consists of | consiste en
is referred to by | est référencé par
Historic England
Exeter Memories
Art UK