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Statue de Charles Gordon, Gordon's School
- Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
- has description | a une description
- La statue de Gordon a été rapatriée de Khartoum, Soudan après l'indépendance et a été réinstallée à son emplacement actuel à la Gordon's School en 1959.
- has association with
Statue équestre d'Horatio Kitchener, Medway
- depicts | figure
Gordon, Charles George
- consists of | consiste en
- bronze
- was produced by | a été produit par
Ford, Edward Onslow
Statue | La statue
- consists of | consiste en
- pierre
Plinth | Le socle
- is referred to by | est référencé par
- Historic England
- Equestrian Statues
- Art UK
- Tommy Maddinson, 'Repatriating Colonial Statues in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries', Cast in Stone blog post, January 19 2024
- Mai Abusalih, 'Memorialisation Within The Deathscapes of Khartoum', Sudan Moves (2021) - Wayback Machine
- Reuters - 'Royal Berkshires Regiment marches in annual tribute to General Gordon at Khartoum' (1934)
- YouTube - Archival footage of the Kitchener and Gordon Statues being removed (1958)
- 'Statues of Kitchener and Gordon Recently Repatriated from Khartoum', The Royal Engineers Journal, Vol. LXXIII, No. 2 (1959)
- Alison Smith, David Blayney Brown, and Carol Jacobi, eds., Artist and Empire: Facing Britain's Imperial Past (London: Tate Publishing, 2015), p. 141.