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Mémorial Du Nèg Mawon, Sainte-Anne
Monument à Galliéni, Paris
Monument à l'émir Abdelkader, Amboise
Monument à la mission Marchand, Paris
Monument à Mahé de la Bourdonnais, Saint-Denis
Monument au général Faidherbe, Lille
Statue de Christophe Colomb, Guadeloupe
Statue de Joséphine de Beauharnais, Fort-de-France
Statue du général Leclerc, Pontoise
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a Oopa Tetuaapua, Pouvana'a
Acland, Thomas Dyke, 10th Baronet
Acland, Thomas Dyke, 12th Baronet
Adams-Acton, John
Adams, George Gammon
Adi, Hakim
Africanus, Scipio
Ahmedullah, Muhammad
Albert I
Alexandra of Denmark
Allouard, Henri
Alquin, Nicolas
Amery, Leo
Arékian, Roger
Armstead, Henry Hugh
Arsal, Eugène-René
Ascroft, Robert
Ashton, Thomas, 1st Baron Ashton of Hyde
Aske, Robert
Astor, Nancy
Attlee, Clement
Audiard, Michel
Audrat, Didier
Aumonier, William
Baartman, Sarah
Bacon, Charles
Bacon, John, the Elder
Bacon, John, the Younger
Bacquet, Paul
Baden-Powell, Robert
Baillie, Siobhan
Baily, Edward Hodges
Baker, Bryant
Baldwin, James
Ball, Albert
Ballay, Noël
Bañuelos, Tomás
Bareau, Georges
Barnard, George Grey
Barrias, Louis-Ernest
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste
Barton, Amanda
Bates, Harry
Baucke, Heinrich
Baudry, Léon-Georges
Bayes, Gilbert
Beckford, William
Behnes, William
Belain d'Esnambuc, Pierre
Bell Birch, Charles
Bell, John
Belloc, Jean-Baptiste
Bělský, František
Belt, Richard Claude
Benson, George Elliott
Bentinck, George
Bernès-Cambos, François
Bert, Paul
Bertrand-Boutée, René
Biaggi, Auguste
Biggs, John
Binger, Louis-Gustave
Bird, Francis
Blake, Robert
Blandan, Pierre Hippolyte
Bobillot, Jules
Boehm, Joseph Edgar
Boer War soldier
Boissière, Jules
Bonaparte, Napoléon
Booth, Catherine
Booth, William
Booz, Ludovic
Boucher, Jean
Bougainville, Louis Antoine
Boulton, Richard Lockwood
Bourke, Richard, 6th Earl of Mayo
Boutry, Edgar
Boverie, Eugène-Jean
Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
Boyer, Nelson
Braverman, Suella
Brétignère, Amédée
Bridgeman, Robert
Bright, John
Brilliant, Fredda
Brock, Thomas
Brockway, Fenner
Brodrick, St John, 1st Earl of Midleton
Brosset, Diego
Brothers, Wills
Brown, William Kellock
Bruat, Armand Joseph
Bruce-Joy, Albert
Bruce, Henry Austin
Bugeaud, Thomas Robert, marquis de la Piconnerie
Buller, Audrey
Buller, Redvers
Burgess, Marti
Burgoyne, John Fox
Burke, Edmund
Burnard, Neville Northey
Burton, Edson
Butler, Vincent
Campbell, Colin, 1st Baron Clyde
Campbell, Thomas
Canning, George
Caravanniez, Alfred
Cardot, Jean
Carew, John Edward
Carlyle, Thomas
Carpentière, Andries
Carteret, George
Cartier, Jacques
Cartwright, John
Cartwright, Thomas
Cass, John
Cassidy, John
Castle, Barbara
Cavendish, Charles
Cavendish, Frederick
Cavendish, Spencer, 8th Duke of Devonshire
Caymitte, Woodly
Césaire, Aimé
Chantrey, Francis Legatt
Charles II
Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Charpentier, Hector
Chatham, Herbert
Chaumot, Georges
Chautemps, Emile
Chavalliaud, Léon-Joseph
Cheere, Henry
Chiquet, Maxime
Chongren, Zhang
Christie, Agatha Mary Clarissa, née Miller
Churchill, Winston
Cibber, Caius Gabriel
Cibot, Élisabeth
Clapperton, Thomas John
Clarke, George
Clarke, George Somers
Clauzel, Bertrand
Clayton, Robert
Clive, Edward
Clive, Robert
Cobbett, William
Cobden, Richard
Codrington, Christopher
Coeur, Jacques
Cognac, Lobie
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste
Cole, Galbraith Lowry
Cole, Tim
Colston, Edward
Colton, William Robert
Columbus, Christopher
Combe, Michel
Cook, James
Coram, Thomas
Cornell, David
Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere
Coulson, William Lisle Blenkinsopp
Courbet, Amédée
Cowen, Joseph
Craig, Asher
Crauk, Gustave
Croggon, William
Croisy, Aristide Onésyme
Crompton, Samuel
Cromwell, Oliver
Crook, Thomas Mewburn
Cruikshank, George
Curillon, Pierre
Currie, Andrew
Curzon, George, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Cuvier, Georges
d'Orléans, Ferdinand-Philippe
Dabro, Ante
Dance-Holland, Nathaniel
Darwin, Charles
Daumas, Louis-Joseph
David d'Angers, Pierre-Jean
Davidson, Andrew
Davis, Edward
Day Keyworth junior, William
de Beauharnais, Joséphine
de Boigne, Benoît
de Champlain, Samuel
de Crussol, Jacques
de Galaup, compte de La Pérouse, Jean-François
de Gaulle, Charles
de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios, Simón José Antonio
de Lesseps, Ferdinand
de Liniers, Jacques
de Mahy, François Césaire
de Miranda, Francisco
de Pas, Jean-Marc
de Saint-Marceaux, René
de Saint-Vérent, marquis de Montcalm, Louis Joseph
de San Martín y Matorras, José Francisco
de Villebois-Mareuil, Georges
de Vimeur, Donatien-Marie-Joseph, vicomte de Rochambeau
de Vimeur, Jean-Baptiste Donatien, comte de Rochambeau
Delamarre, Raymond
Delgrès, Louis
Deproge, Ernest
Descomps, Jean-Bernard
Despiau, Charles
Desruelles, Félix-Alexandre
Destreez, Jules-Constant
Dhondy, Farrukh
Dick, William Reid
Dinham, John
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dizengremel, Laury
Dobson, Benjamin Alfred
Dolle, A.
Dorries, Nadine
Doubleday, John
Doudart de Lagrée, Ernest
Douglass, Frederick
Dowden, Oliver
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Drake, Francis
Dresser, Madge
Drivier, Léon-Ernest
Drury, Alfred
Duboc, Émile
Dubois, Ernest Henri
Dubray, Vital-Gabriel
Duckett the Elder, Thomas
Duguay-Trouin, René
Dumas-Davy de La Palleterie, Thomas Alexandre
Dumont, Augustin Alexandre
Dumont, Jacques-Edme
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville
Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville
Dunn, Albert Edward
Duperré, Victor Guy
Durand, Joanny
Durham, Joseph
Dutertre, Louis
Earle, Thomas
Earle, William
Eboué, Félix
Edward VI
Edward VII
Edward, the Black Prince
Edwardes, Herbert Benjamin
Edwards, Bryan
Edwards, Henry
Elder, Isabella
Elder, John
Eliott, George Augustus
Elizabeth II
Elphick, Nick
Epstein, Jacob
Etcheto, Jean-François
Eve, Harry Trelawney
Fagel, Léon
Fagon, Alfred
Faidherbe, Louis Léon César
Falguière, Alexandre
Farrell, Terrence
Fawcett, Millicent
Fehr, Henry Charles
Ferry, Jules
Feuchère, Jean-Jacques
Fichet, Fred
Flatters, Paul François Xavier
Flaxman, John
Foch, Ferdinand
Foley, John Henry
Fontaine, Emmanuel
Ford, Edward Onslow
Forster, Frank
Forster, William Edward
Fortescue, Hugh, 4th Earl Fortescue
Fortescue, John William
Forwood, Arthur Bower
Fountain, Desmond
Fox, Charles James
Foyatier, Denis
Frampton, George
Franklin, John
Frebault, Charles-Victor
Frederick, Prince of Wales
Fremiet, Emmanuel
Frere, Henry Bartle
Frichet, Fred
Gahagan, Sebastian
Gainsborough, Thomas
Galbusieri, Tranquilo
Gallieni, Joseph Simon
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garcia, Alex
Garnier, Francis
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 7th Marquess of Salisbury
Gaumont, Marcel
Gauthier, Charles
Geffrye, Robert
Gentil, Emile
George I
George II
George III
George IV
George V
George VI
Germain, Joseph-Marcel
Gern, Charles
Gibbons, Grinling
Gibbs, Hayley
Gibson, John
Gilbert, Alfred
Gladstone, William Ewart
Gleichen, Feodora
Gordon, Charles George
Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough
Gouraud, Henri
Granet, Pierre
Greck, André
Green, Richard
Grosvenor, Richard, 2nd Marquess of Westminster
Guéniot, Arthur Joseph
Guest, Hector
Guilbert, Ernest
Guillaume, Emile
Guillaume, Eugène
Guy, Thomas
Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig
Hamar, Fernand
Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple
Hampton, Herbert
Hamy, Ernest
Hannekom, Wayne
Haque, Ehtasham
Haque, Nurul
Hardiman, Alfred Frank
Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge
Harland, Edward James
Harris, Arthur
Harryhausen, Ray
Hartwell, Charles Leonard
Havelock, Henry
Hébert, Pierre
Hems, Harry
Herbert, George, 13th Earl of Pembroke
Herbert, Sidney, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Herriot, Alan Beattie
Heywood, Oliver
Hibbert, George
Hill, Rowland, 2nd Viscount Hill
Hillary, William
Hogg, Alice
Hogg, Quintin
Holland, Sam
Hollins, Peter
Holloway, Jane
Holloway, Thomas
Hook, Walter Farquhar
Hope, John, 4th Earl of Hopetoun
Houdon, Jean-Antoine
Hughes, John
Hughes, Thomas
Hugo, Victor
Hugoulin, Emile
Huskisson, William
Huxley-Jones, Thomas Bayliss
ibn Muhieddine, Abdelkader
Ignace, Joseph
Ingram, Herbert
Ingram, Walter Rowlands
Iqbal Wahhab
Isaacs, Rufus, 1st Marquess of Reading
Iyapo, Bandele
Jackson, Philip
Jagger, Charles Sargeant
James II
James MacArdell
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, Martin
Jenrick, Robert
Jerningham, Annie
Jerningham, Hubert
Joffre, Joseph
John, Augustus
John, William Goscombe
Johnson, Boris
Jones, Adrian
Jones, Alfred Lewis
Jones, Francis William Doyle
Juin, Alphonse
Kaeppelin, Philippe
Kekewich, George William
Kennaway, John, 3rd Baronet
Khan, Sadiq
Kingsley, Charles
Kinloch, George
Kirby, Éilis
Kitchener, Horatio
La Mulâtresse Solitude
Lagriffoul, Henri
Laird, John
Lake, Cleo
Lambert, George, 1st Viscount Lambert
Lander, Richard
Landon, Perceval
Landseer, Edwin Henry
Largeau, Victor-Emmanuel
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean
Lavigerie, Charles
Lawlor, John
Lawrence, John
Lawson, George Anderson
Lawson, Wilfrid, 2nd Baronet
Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel
Lee, William
Leighton, Frederic
Lemot, François-Frédéric
Léopold II
Lever, William, 1st Viscount Leverhulme
Lewis, Edmonia
Lewis, George Cornewall
Leygues, Georges
Lincoln, Abraham
Linscott, Thomas
Livingstone, David
Locke, Hew
Locke, John
Louis Botinelly
Louis Léopold Reminy
Louis-Noël, Hubert
Louverture, François-Dominique Toussaint
Lovy, Charles-Joseph
Lowther, William, 1st Earl of Lonsdale
Lyautey, Hubert
MacDonald, Flora
MacDowell, Patrick
Mackennal, Bertram
Mackinnon, William
Macklin, Thomas Eyre
Macrae, James
Macron, Emmanuel
Mahé de la Bourdonnais, Bertrand-François
Mahoux, Paul
Maillard, Auguste
Maillot-Rosély, Henri
Malcolm, John
Malissard, Georges
Maltin, Michael
Mandela, Nelson
Mangin, Charles
Marcault-Derouard, Liza
March, Sydney
Marchand, Jean-Baptiste
Marochetti, Carlo
Marquet de Vasselot, Jean Joseph Marie Anatole
Marquette, Jacques
Marshall, William Calder
Martial, Armand
Martin, Ros
Mason, Hugh
Matusa, David
Mauchamp, Emile
Maugendre-Villers, Edouard
Mazuet, Jean
McBride, Charles
McFall, David
McGill, David
McGrigor, James, 1st Baronet
McKenzie, R. Tait
McMillan, William
Mellish, Richard
Ménard, Charles
Mercié, Antonin
Mérignargues, Léopold
Merlieux, Louis-Parfait
Merrifield, Leonard Stanford
Merwart, Paul
Methuen, Paul, 3rd Baron Methuen
Michel, Gustave
Michelet, Firmin
Milburn, George Walker
Miles, John
Mill, John Stuart
Millais, John Everett
Milligan, Robert
Milnes, Thomas
Mir Syed Jafar Ali Khan Bahadur
Mitchel, John
Mitchell, Sheila
Moll, Henri
Moll, Ronald
Moncel de Perrin de Cabrilles Labrassaguier, Alphonse-Emmanuel
Montford, Horace
Montgomery, Bernard
Monti, Raffaele
Moore, John
Moore, John Francis
Moore, Lt. Gen. Sir John
Moreau-Vauthier, Paul
Morice, Léopold
Morley, Samuel
Mossman, John
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Mowbray Taubman, Frank
Napier, Charles James
Napier, Robert, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala
Nasso, Jean-Claude
Ndugu M’Hali
Neill, James George Smith
Nelson, Horatio
Nemon, Oscar
Nicholson, John
Nicoli, Carlo
Nightingale, Florence
Nixon, Samuel
Noble, Matthew
Noël, Edme-Anthony-Paul
Northcote, Stafford, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh
Nost, John
Nott, William
O.B., Solomon
O'Hara van Nieuwerkerke, Alfred Emilien
Olry, Jean-Baptiste Léon
Orwell, George
Oswald, James
Oudot, Georges
Outram, James, 1st Baronet
Palmer, Charles, 1st Baronet
Pankhurst, Sylvia
Pankurst, Emmeline
Panzetta, Joseph
Park, Mungo
Parker, Albert Edward, 3rd Earl of Morley
Parrenin, Dominique
Partridge, William Ordway
Pascoe, Silu
Patel, Priti
Pearce, William
Pease, Joseph
Peel, Robert
Pegram, Alfred Bertram
Pegram, Henry Alfred
Pélissier, Aimable
Pennacchini, O. P.
Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland
Perron, Charles-Théodore
Perry, Edwin Charles
Peynot, Émile
Pézeron, Jocelyn
Philips, Trevor
Phillip, John Birnie
Picton-Robinson, Ian
Picton, Thomas
Pillot, Pierre
Pirrie, William James
Pitt the Younger, William
Platt, John
Pobeguin, Joseph
Poeymirau, Joseph-François
Poisson, Pierre-Marie
Pollard, Ingrid
Pomeroy, F. W.
Poole, Henry
Poulier, Jacky
Powers, Hiram
Préault, Auguste
Price, Henry
Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
Prince George, Duke of Cambridge
Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
Princess Louise of the United Kingdom
Puech, Denys
Quellinus III, Artus
Quinn, Marc
Qureshi, Murad
Raggi, Mario
Raggi, Nicolas-Bernard
Railton, William
Raleigh, Walter
Ramsden, James
Real del Sarte, Maxime
Rechburg, Arnold Frédéric
Redfern, James Frank
Rees, Marvin
Reeves, Hazel
Reid, Jen
René-Corail, Khôko
Revol, Guy-Charles
Reynolds, Joshua
Rhodes, Cecil
Robbins, Nick
Roberts-Jones, Ivor
Roberts, Frederick, 1st Earl Roberts
Robertson-Hill, Amelia
Robertson, Archibald
Robinson, George, 1st Marquess of Ripon
Rochet, Louis
Rodin, Auguste
Rolle, John, 1st Baron Rolle of Stevenstone
Rooke, George
Roslyn, Louis Frederick
Roubiliac, Louis-François
Rougé, A. C.
Roussel, Paul
Rovelas, Michel
Royce, Henry
Roze, Albert
Rubin, Auguste Eugène
Russell, Francis, 5th Duke of Bedford
Russell, Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford
Rustat, Tobias
Rylands, Enriqueta Augustina
Rylands, John
Rysbrack, John Michael
Sahota, Kuldeep Singh
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus
Sappey, Victor
Saupique, Georges
Scheemakers, Peter
Schœlcher, Victor
Scott, George Gilbert
Seacole, Mary
Ségoffin, Victor
Selassie, Haile
Seligman, Hilda
Selous, Frederick Courteney
Serwah, Jendayi
Shah Alam II, Ali Gauhar
Shannan, Archibald McFarlane
Shonibare, Yinka
Simonds, George Blackall
Sinclair, John
Singery, François Edouard
Siraj ud-daula
Sloane, Hans
Smith-Stanley, Edward, 14th Earl of Derby
Smith, Simon
Smuts, Jan Christiaan
Soares, Ernest Joseph
Sobers, Shawn
Somers, George
Sow, Ousmane
Squire, Roger
St Aubyn, John, 1st Baron St Levan
Stanhope, Philip Henry
Stanley, Henry Morton
Starmer, Keir
Steell, John
Stephens, Edward Bowring
Stephenson, Paul
Stephenson, Robert
Stevenson, David Watson
Stoddart, Alexander
Stopford, Frederick William
Strémon, René
Stuart Burnett, Thomas
Sturge, Joseph
Surcouf, Robert
Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George, 2nd Duke of Sutherland
Swynnerton, Joseph William
Syamour, Marguerite
Symons, William Penn
Tagore, Rabindranath
Tajana, André
Tate, Henry
Taylor, Alexander
Temple, Henry, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Ternouth, John
Terroir, Alphonse
Testas, Al Pouessi Marthe Adélaïde Modeste
Theed, William
Thomas, James Havard
Thomas, John
Thompson, Jake
Thomsen, Constant
Thornycroft, Hamo
Thornycroft, Thomas
Tincknell, Estella
Tindal, Nicholas Conyngham
Tjibaou, Jean-Marie
Toft, Albert
Tollemache, Frederick
Tonglet, Hervé
Topin, Jean
Townsend, Christine
Treich-Laplène, Marcel
Trenchard, Hugh, 1st Viscount Trenchard
Trevithick, Richard
Truffot, Emile Louis
Turin, Pierre
Turner, Alfred
Tweed, John
Unidentified black model
Valée, Sylvain-Charles
Van Den Boom-Cairns, Carol
van der Meulen, Laurens
van Dievoet, Peter
Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles, 6th Marquess of Londonderry
Vane, Charles, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry
Vannier, Paul
Vassall-Fox, Henry, 3rd Baron Holland
Vaury, Maurice
Verdier, Arthur
Verlet, Raoul
Verne, Jules
Vernon, Robert
Vildeman, Richard
Vincent, Edgar, 1st Viscount D'Abernon
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire)
Wade, George Edward
Waghorn, Thomas Fletcher
Walker, Arthur George
Walters, Ian Homer
Warren, Allan
Washington, George
Waterlow, Sydney, 1st Baronet
Watson, Musgrave Lewthwaite
Watt, James
Watts, George Frederic
Wearing, Gillian
Wedgwood, Josiah
Weekes, Henry
Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington
Wesley, Charles
West, Benjamin
Westmacott, Richard
White, George
Whitehead, Joseph
Whiting, Onslow
Wilberforce, William
William III
William IV
Williamson, Francis John
Wilson, Charles, 1st Baron Nunburnholme
Wilson, James
Wilton, Joseph
Windsor-Clive, Robert, 1st Earl of Plymouth
Wingate, Orde
Winter, Faith
Witherspoon, John
Wolfe, James
Wolseley, Garnet, 1st Viscount Wolseley
Wood, Charles
Wood, Francis Derwent
Wood, Marshall
Woodall, Corbet
Woodington, William Frederick
Woolf, Virginia
Woolner, Thomas
Wyatt, Matthew Cotes
Wyon, Edward William